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Ask Edie!

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Q: Dear Edie, My father is scheduled to have a hip replacement in a few weeks.  His doctor tells us that he will definitely need some inpatient rehabilitation before he can return home.  While we want to follow his doctor’s orders, we have to know if this is something that Dad can afford.  He has Medicare and maybe some kind of insurance supplement but I don’t know if that helps or what!  Is there any way we can find out about this so we can help Dad decide what he wants to do? He is really getting stressed out about the money matters….which does nothing to help him physically, of course.  Any advice? – Stressed Out Dad and Daughter

A: Dear Daughter, Don’t stress out! We will be glad to discuss the financial planning with you prior to your father’s surgery.  Senior Health and Rehab at Limestone Health Facility accepts Medicare, Medicaid, private insurances and private payment. Our financial planner will be happy to talk to you about your father’s particular insurances and financial responsibility so that you can make a fully-informed decision about his care. We understand that this can be a point of great concern. Just give me a call at 256-232-3461 or drop me an e-mail @ and let us put your worries aside. – Sincerely, Edie 

Q: Dear Edie, I am having back surgery soon. My doctor wants me to rehabilitate for a while before going home especially since I live alone.  I know that you all have all sorts of specialized equipment like hospital beds, walkers, etc. that I can use there… but what about when I go back home? Will your staff be able to make recommendations about things that will be necessary or helpful to me after my rehab? If so, then how do I go about getting those items since I will be there? I know I may be thinking too far ahead but I am an independent person and am hoping to stay that way! – Independent Man

A: Dear Independent, Always a good idea to be thinking ahead!  You are right in the fact that we do provide for your equipment needs while you are at Senior Health and Rehab at Limestone Health Facility.  We also help you plan for those specific needs that you might have once you are ready to leave our facility.  We will meet with you once you have been here for a couple of weeks to discuss your progress at that time.  We will also start planning prior to your impending discharge for any needs and services that will be helpful to you at home.  If you need certain equipment we can get that ordered, delivered and set up so it will be there when you need it!  We will also take care of setting up services for any continued health care or therapy that you may qualify for at your home or at an outpatient facility after your stay with us. – Sincerely, Edie

Q: Dear Edie, My parents have always worked hard and saved for their retirement years.  But now Dad is having his knee replaced, and his doctor said that he really needs to plan on going somewhere for in-patient therapy.  I am concerned that the cost of this therapy will leave them without enough money to live on.  How can they afford to pay for the care he needs? – Concerned Daughter

A: Dear Daughter, Put your concerns aside!  Senior Rehab and Recovery at Limestone Health Facility accepts Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and private payment.  If your dad has Medicare, as most seniors do, this may help cover the cost of up to 100 days of in-patient rehab at our facility.  Days 1 through 20 are covered at 100% while there is a co-pay for days 21 through 100.  Medicare criteria must be met in order for the stay to be covered.  The initial requirement being that your dad starts his therapy within 30 days of an in-patient hospital stay of at least 72 hours.  We understand that all of this may sound a bit complicated but that’s what we are here for.  Why don’t you give me a call so we can discuss the specifics of your dad’s situation?  My number is 256-232-3461 or if you prefer, you can e-mail me at .  I look forward to hearing from you!  – Edie

Q: Dear Edie, My Dad is facing some upcoming surgery.  We really don’t feel like he is in need of long term placement in a nursing home but we know he will need some extra care following the surgery.  We are also interested in a therapy program that might help him return to independent living.  Does Limestone Health Facility offer any of these options for him? – Searching for the Proper Place

A: Dear Searching,Your search is over!!! Long-term nursing care is not the only option for older adults anymore. Here at Limestone Health Facility, we have the Senior Rehab and Recovery Center that specializes in short-term care. Senior Rehab is dedicated to helping people, like your Dad, return to an active and independent lifestyle.Senior Rehab patients participate in a focused course of inpatient therapy for a few weeks or longer, according to their doctor’s recommendations. Every day in Senior Rehab, therapists, nursing, dietary, social service and activities staff work with our patients to develop the strength and skills required for the demands of daily living. In addition to therapy sessions, we have lots of social activities to help our patients practice their skills and regain their strength. Our rehab patients share the desire to return to their homes and communities as soon as possible……OUR goal is to help them along the way! Please feel free to call me at 256-232-3461 if I can assist you in the care of your dad.  – Edie

Q: Dear Edie, My husband was recently at Senior Rehab and Recovery at Limestone Health Facility following a stroke. He received physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy for 20 days. He did so well there that we decided to take him home last week.  Now that he is home we realize that he needs more care than we can provide right now. As a family, we believe that he might possibly benefit from some further treatment with your therapy department. Is there any way that he could readmit to the facility for additional therapy? How will we pay for this? – Caring Wife

A: Dear Caring, We will be glad for him to return for continued therapy!  If it has been less than 30 days since his discharge from our facility then he can return and resume therapy using the remainder of his Medicare days. Medicare pays for a maximum of 100 days of rehab if he meets the Medicare criteria. Days 1 through 20 are covered at 100%; there is a co-pay required for days 21 through100. We will be happy to discuss the possibility of readmitting your husband to our facility. Just give me a call @ 256-232-3461. – Edie

Q: Dear Edie, My grandmother is in the hospital in another state! She has a fractured hip and her doctor has told me there is no way she can return to her home alone.  She has no family there to assist with her care. I know nothing about rehab facilities there. I have to work and really need for Grandmother to be here so that I can be more involved with her care! Is there any way that she might be transferred to Senior Rehab and Recovery at Limestone Health Facility for her therapy? – Out-of-State Grandson

A: Dear Grandson, We will certainly be glad to work with you and your grandmother’s physician and hospital to have her transferred to our facility when she is ready to discharge from the hospital. The hospital discharge planner is welcome to fax referral information directly to me at (256) 232-3061. They can also call me to discuss your Mom’s needs at (256) 232-3461. – Edie

Q: Dear Edie, I recently had surgery on my shoulder. When I was in the hospital, my doctor encouraged me to admit to a rehab facility directly from the hospital but I thought I could manage at home. I have quickly realized, after being home for a few days that I need more help than I thought. I am just not springing back like I used to.  Is it too late for me to admit to the Senior Rehab and Recovery Center at Limestone Health Facility for some therapy? – Wishing I Had Listened!

A: Dear Wishing, Good News!!!  It is likely NOT too late for you to be admitted to the Senior Rehab and Recovery Center at Limestone Health Facility.  If you were in the hospital for at least 72 continuous hours within the past 30 days then you may still qualify for a Medicare-covered stay at our facility even though you have been out of the hospital for a few days!!!  Please feel free to give me a call at (256) 232-3461 to discuss the specifics! I look forward to hearing from you! – Edie

Q: Dear Edie, I had knee replacement surgery on my left knee a while back. I came to the Senior Rehab and Recovery Center at Limestone Health Facility for short term care following my discharge from the hospital. I received excellent therapy and nursing care while there. It was such a positive experience that I visited my physician today to discuss having my right knee replaced!  Will Medicare cover more than one stay for therapy in your facility? – Ready for Round Two

A: Dear Ready, It sure will! There are some requirements that are involved which include that you must have been discharged from the facility for at least 60 days and have not had any admissions to any other hospital or rehab facility during those 60 days to qualify for another Medicare-covered rehab stay. I am so happy to hear that your previous experience with us was so positive and you have done so well after returning to your home. Please call me to set up an appointment to discuss your next stay with us. We look forward to serving you again. – Edie



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